Terms of Use
I agree to the following terms of use in checking out a laptop computer from the Santa Clara County Library District:
- I understand that the laptop must be returned to the kiosk within 3 hours. I understand that late return of a laptop to the kiosk will result in $1 per hour overdue fines, with a full replacement cost charged to me at 2 days overdue.
- I understand that the laptop can only be used within the library and must not be taken outside the library.
- I understand that I am responsible for paying the cost of repairs to a damaged laptop. I understand that I am responsible for the cost to replace a lost or stolen laptop. If a laptop is lost, a payment plan can be negotiated.
- I understand that documents and other work created must be saved to external storage such as a USB flash drive, cloud storage, or to a personal email account. I understand that all files and downloads will be deleted when the laptop is rebooted or returned.
I agree to abide by all Santa Clara County Library District policies and procedures.
Internet Access
- I understand that the library's network is not secure or encrypted so it cannot guarantee the protection or privacy of personal information. By entering personal information on the network I assume all possible risks.
- I understand that the Internet is unregulated and the library cannot guarantee its accuracy. The library provides assistance and training, but parents and guardians are responsible for setting guidelines and restrictions for their minor children.
- I understand that all computers are located in public areas where minors are present. The law prohibits "every person, who, with knowledge that a person is a minor, knowingly . . . exhibits, or offers to distribute or exhibit by any means, matter which is deemed 'harmful to minors.' (Penal Code §313 et seq.) The law also prohibits the exhibition of obscene matter to any person. (Penal Code §311 et seq.)"
Education is the key to responsible, safe and intelligent Internet use. To help educate users, the library provides assistance, handouts and training in using the Internet. The library recommends specific websites suitable for different ages such as children or teens.
- Children's desktop computers have a commercially-produced filter product which attempts to block sites possibly objectionable. I understand that the library cannot and does not guarantee that the filter will always block objectionable sites.
- I understand that each library sets and posts rules to manage its available Internet resources. All users are expected to be respectful of the rights of others in using the Internet.