A-Z Resources


ABCmouse Library Card Required.

ABC mouse.com is an online learning resource for children from age 2 through 8+, designed to help them build a strong educational foundation in readiness for school.  There are more than 8,500 activities that teach reading, math, science, health, social studies, art, and music. Children can play educational games, read interactive books, and take lessons in school subjects. Create a parent account and add up to 3 child learners. FAQ.

Academic Search Complete: Research Scholarly Full-Text Articles Library Card Required.

Supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. Includes more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals in the fields of Pharmaceutical Education, Psychiatry, Law, Mathematical Analysis, Critical Care Research. 

Note, some journals have an embargo on current issues.

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Adult Core Skills Center by LearningExpress Library Card Required.

The Adult Core Skills Center helps adults achieve their personal, education and career goals by offering resources to help them improve their basic skills in reading, writing, and math, and prepare for the U.S. citizenship exam.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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ALLDATA: Auto Repair (*in-library access only)

Provides diagnostic information, as well as maintenance and repair instructions for cars and trucks. Features most makes and models of automobiles from 1982 to present.

Browser compatibility: Safari is not supported. Please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

*This resource is only accessible from inside the library. When visiting the library, you can access this resource from a personal laptop computer that is connected to our WiFi network, or you can access this resource from one of our library computers, including our laptops available from the laptop kiosk.

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Ancestry Library (*In-Library Access Only) Library Card Required.

Use Ancestry Library Edition to search genealogical records and discover more about your family history. This database includes records from the U.S. Census, military records, court, land and probate records, vital and church records, directories, passenger lists, and more..

*This resource is only accessible from inside the library. When visiting the library, you can access this resource from a personal laptop computer that is connected to our WiFi network or you can access this resource from one of our library computers, including our laptops available from the laptop kiosk.

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Architectural Digest Magazine Archive (1922-Current) Library Card Required.

If you would like to access Architectural Digest Magazine from 2011 to Present, please check our catalog!

Covers the history of design, offers inspirational ideas and provides a look at culture, art, unique homes and international design concepts from 1922-2011. 

Features include the AD100, the Architectural Digest list of top 100 architects and interior designers worldwide, as well as celebrity style, landscaping, renovation, technology and travel.

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Atlantic Magazine (1857- Current), The Library Card Required.

If you would like to access issues of The Atlantic Magazine from 2014 to Present, you can find them on Flipster

The Atlantic was originally created with a focus on publishing leading writers' commentary on abolition, education and other major issues in contemporary political affairs at the time. Over its more than 150 years of publication, it has featured articles in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, business and the economy, culture and the arts, technology, science and more.

Some of the founding sponsors of the magazine include prominent writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Harriet Beecher Stowe and John Greenleaf Whittier.

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Audiolibros y libros digitales en español de OverDrive / Libby (eBooks & Audiobooks in Spanish) Library Card Required.

Descargue o transmita libros electrónicos y audiolibros en español. Puede disfrutar de títulos populares y literatura clásica, historias para niños y adolescentes, y mucho más en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. La colección para niños y adolescentes incluye libros ilustrados, ficción YA, no ficción YA y más. Muchos están escritos por autores latinos y estadounidenses populares como Pat Mora, Yuyi Morales, Rene Collato, Jeff Kinney y Raina Telgemier.

Download or stream eBooks and Audiobooks in the Spanish language. You can enjoy best-sellers and classic literature, stories for kids and teens, and much more anytime, anywhere. The kids and teens collection includes picture books, YA fiction, YA nonfiction, and more. Many are written by popular Latino and American authors like Pat Mora, Yuyi Morales, Rene Collato, Jeff Kinney, and Raina Telgemier.


Bay Area Consumers’ Checkbook (*in-library use only, not available remotely)

Offers evaluation and ratings for local goods and service providers. Topics include automotive services, health care providers, home services, leisure & travel, personal finance, pet care services, and local stores.  All information is compiled by the non-profit consumer organization, the Center for the Study of Services.

* While the majority of our online resources are accessible remotely, this resource is only accessible from inside the library. When visiting the library you can access this resource from a personal laptop computer that is connected to our WiFi network, or you can access this resource from one of our library computers, including our laptops available from the laptop kiosk.

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Bloomberg BusinessWeek (1929-2000 & Current) Library Card Required.

If you would like to read Current issues of Bloomberg BusinessWeek from 2000 to Current, you can find a variety of resource on our catalog!

Businessweek was originally published to be a resource for business managers. Early sections of the magazine included marketing, labor, finance, management and “Washington Outlook”, which made Businessweek one of the first publications to cover national political issues that directly impacted the business world.

In the 1950s it published its first Executive Pay survey, which remains a popular feature.

In the 1970s, the magazine shifted its strategy and added the general consumer interested in stocks, bonds, and other investments.

As of 1975, the magazine was carrying more advertising pages annually than any other magazine in the United States. Businessweek began publishing its annual rankings of United States business school MBA programs in 1988.

Research Areas:

  • Business management
  • Marketing
  • Labor
  • Finance
  • Economic policy
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BookFlix Library Card Required.

Scholastic BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning. This engaging resource for children in grades PreK-3 will help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduces students to a world of knowledge and exploration.

BookFlix includes:

  • Over a hundred classic video storybooks each paired with a related nonfiction eBook. Spanish language versions of 37 pairs.
  • Read-aloud support so students can hear each book narrated and also hear definitions of key words and directions for each activity read aloud.
  • Educational games and activities so children can show what they have learned.
  • Meet the author section to learn more about the author of each fiction book.
  • And more!

Scholastic BookFlix is specifically created to support non-, beginning and reluctant readers. It’s the perfect resource for independent reading practice at the library and at home!

Brainfuse Adult Learning Center: Online Tutoring & Skill Building Library Card Required.

Whether you're going back to school, switching jobs, or just want to brush up on an academic skill, the Adult Learning Center is here to help. Tutors are available Monday through Sunday from 1-10 PM. The following services are included:

  • Live tutoring - get one-on-one help
  • Skill building - connect with a tutor to get help with an academic skill
  • Writing lab - get help with your writing - whether it's a report, essay, resume, cover letter, or any other type of writing material.
  • Test center - offers a variety of practice tests in math, reading, writing, High School Equivalency, U.S. Citizenship 
  • Microsoft Office Help - get help with the Microsoft Office suite
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Brainfuse HelpNow: Online Tutoring & Homework Help for Students Library Card Required.

Get homework help on any subject with an online tutor from 1-10 p.m., any day of the week. Spanish tutors are also available.

Additional services provided include the following:

  • Writing Lab: Get feedback within one business day.
  • SkillSurfer: Study resources and test prep.
  • Send Question: Get a response within one business day.
  • Language Lab: Live help learning Spanish.
  • LEAP: Create a customized learning plan.
  • Flashbulb: Create and share flashcards, tests and games.
  • eParachute: Identify potential majors and career paths.
  • MEET Virtual Study Rooms: Collaborate with classmates.
  • Brainwave videos: Record your notes to watch and share writing.
  • Live Chess Tutoring: Online tutoring help from an expert chess coach. This service is available Monday - Thursday from 3:00-8:59 PM PST.  
  • FAFSA Live Help: Get help with filling out your application form.

HelpNow by Brainfuse brinda ayuda con tareas y escritura, tutoría en vivo y servicios de preparación para exámenes. Los tutores de habla inglesa y española están disponibles de lunes a domingo de 1 a 10 p.m. para recibir asistencia personalizada en una amplia variedad de temas.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Brainfuse VetNow: Online Help with VA Benefits & Transitioning to Civilian Careers Library Card Required.

VetNow offers live online assistance for veterans and their families on a wide variety of resources:

  • Connect with a live tutor to help navigate your eligible VA Benefits, including housing & health care assistance
  • Choose skill building lessons in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, and a wide range of practice tests to master high school equivalency tests, college entrance exams, career prep, Praxis, ASVAB, GRE, ESL and more.
  • Get help with live job coaching, identifying skills, resume building, and translating military experiences into civilian occupations. 

Live tutors are available Monday – Sunday from 1:00-10:00 PM PDT.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Britannica Library Reference Center Library Card Required.

Britannica Library Reference Center provides access to a variety of articles, biographies, images and videos that will allow for you to conduct research on many topics. This Reference Center is an online encyclopedia where you can search for any topic that comes to mind.

See also: Britannica School Edition | Britannica Escolar

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CIA The World Factbook

The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. The Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.

CodeCombat Library Card Required.

Choose your hero, collect gems, and defeat enemies as you make your way through this fantasy game that teaches Python, JavaScript, C++, and other coding languages! Master Web Development or Game Development with over 500 levels that teach new ideas, build on existing concepts, and challenge you to think outside the box.

An account is required to save your progress. Look for the "Sign Up" and "Log In" buttons at the bottom of the screen to save your game.

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ComicsPlus by LibraryPass Comics & Graphic Novels Library Card Required.

Enjoy thousands of digital graphic novels and comics, available 24/7 on web-connected devices. Includes fiction and nonfiction, indie comics, Sunday funnies, and manga!

Sign in with your card number and PIN to borrow and download comics. Checkouts last 7 days, but you can renew instantly and as often as you like. Download for offline reading.

Comics Plus offers a new app for Android and iOS devices, called “Library Pass.” To login, please use your card number and PIN. The labels on the sign-in page read Email Address and Password. We’ve asked the vendor to correct the labels, which they will do with their next major enhancement. We apologize for the confusion this might cause when signing into the new Library Pass app.

For more information about this collection, please see ComicsPlus FAQs and Lending Information.

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Consumer Reports (1991 – Present) Library Card Required.

Read reviews and comparisons of consumer products and services including appliances, cars & trucks, electronics, etc. It provides product recalls and safety and reliability of individual brands.

Tips for Searching:

  1. Click the link "Search within this publication."
  2. If using the "Basic Search" option, use Boolean Operators like AND, OR, NOT followed by your search term.  For example: JN "Consumer Reports" AND Washing Machines. 


  1. Click the link "Search within this publication."
  2. Click on Advanced Search.
  3. The first search box displays: JN "Consumer Reports".  Add your search term, such as the term "Washing Machines" into the second search box.

Consumer Reports is available within EBSCO MasterFILE Complete.

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Cultures of the World eBooks

This series gives readers a complete look at different countries, people, geography, history, culture, government, religion, and lifestyle. Each book contains websites for additional research at the end of each chapter, up-to-date statistics & facts, updated maps and all new photos.

Note: If you can't find the country you need as an eBook, check and see if the hard copy edition is available.

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Digital ReeL – Newspaper Microfilm Collection

Digital ReeL provides online access to SCCLD’s microfilm collection of historical local newspapers, digitized for enhanced access and searching capabilities. Up to ten patrons can access this service concurrently. If you are unable to access this service, please check back at a later time.

Access from Home: From outside the library you can access Santa Clara County historical newspapers from 1895-1923. The archive includes local newspapers from Campbell, Gilroy, Morgan Hill and Saratoga.   

Access from the Library: From within the library you can access our entire collection of Santa Clara County historical newspapers from 1895-2018.  The archive includes local newspapers from Campbell, Cupertino, Milpitas, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga.  

Found In: Available for in-library use only

Dragonsource Qikan eMagazines – Chinese Library Card Required.

龍源期刊網/ Dragonsource Qikan eMagazines

源自中國大陸2,000多種期刊和雜誌, 涵蓋40多個主題領域而成的電子期刊平台。內容包括商業、經濟、時尚、娛樂、電影和旅遊, 也提供學術期刊、在中國出版的英語期刊及貿易出版物等等。所有電子版本都會不斷更新, 以便對應於紙版期刊, 許多版本也都提供廣泛的庫存目錄。電子期刊內容可隨時以簡體中文和繁體中文互相切換。

龙源期刊网/ Dragonsource Qikan eMagazines

源自中国大陆2,000多种期刊和杂志, 涵盖40多个主题领域而成的电子期刊平台。内容包括商业、经济、时尚、娱乐、电影和旅游, 也提供学术期刊、在中国出版的英语期刊及贸易出版物等等。所有电子版本都会不断更新, 以便对应於纸版期刊, 许多版本也都提供广泛的库存目录。电子期刊内容可随时以简体中文和繁体中文互相切换。

Over 2,000 journals and magazines from China, spanning more than 40 subject areas. Topics include business, economics, family, education, fashion, entertainment, film, and travel. Also includes academic journals, English-language journals published in China, trade publications, and more. All are updated continuously to correspond with the print editions, and many have extensive back lists available. Available in either traditional or simplified characters.

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Ebony Magazine Archive (1945-2014) Library Card Required.

The magazine archives of Ebony covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship and other social topics with an African-American focus. One notable feature is the annual selection of the “100 most Influential Blacks in America,” featuring entertainment figures, politicians, philanthropists, and entrepreneurs.

During the 1960s, the magazine increasingly covered the Civil Rights Movement. Articles published in the magazine were about political events happening all over the U.S., in which activists protested racial violence and advocated for increasing social mobility for African–Americans across the diaspora. Also published in the magazine was content about the Black Power Movement. Ebony also commemorated historical events that contributed to black citizenship and freedom such as the September 1963 issue that honored the 100 year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. 

Research Areas:

  • African-American culture
  • Business
  • Civil rights
  • Entertainment
  • Ethnic studies
  • Fashion
  • History
  • ​Politics
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EBSCO Reference eBook Collection eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

Access hundreds of reference and non-fiction eBook titles on a variety of subjects including art & architecture, computer science, health & medicine, history, and more. Also included are full-text classics, poetry, and drama that are in the public domain. All titles can be read online or downloaded to your device for 21 days (see our Get Started Guide for more info).

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Explora for Elementary Schools

Explora is a fun, easy-to-use tool that can help you complete research and classroom assignments.  With Explora, you will discover reliable information on thousands of topics covering a wide range of subjects including art & music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures & languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health, and sports.


Fold3 Library Edition Library Card Required.

Provides access to a growing collection of U.S. military records from the Revolutionary War to the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. Contains millions of archived records, many of which are exclusively available on Fold3.

Fold3 is perfect for researching the military, history, and genealogy.

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Forbes Magazine (1917-2000) Library Card Required.

If you would like to read issues of Forbes from 2014 to Current, you can use Flipster

Published bi-weekly, Forbes has been featuring original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, politics, and law.

Forbes was started by Bertie Charles Forbes in 1917 with the idea of devoting it to “doers and doings.” 

Today the magazine is well known for its lists and rankings, including of the richest Americans (the Forbes 400), of the America's Wealthiest Celebrities, of the world's top companies (the Forbes Global 2000), 30 Under 30, World's 100 Most Powerful Women, and The World's Billionaires.

Research Areas:

  • Wall Street
  • Healthcare
  • Logistics and transportation
  • Energy
  • Retail
  • Money and investments
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Fortune Magazine (1930-2000) Library Card Required.

If you would like to read issues of Fortune Magazine from 2014 to Current, you can use Flipster!

The publication was founded by Henry R. Luce in 1929 just a few months after the dramatic stock market crash. Luce is also known for launching other famous magazine titles including TIME, Life, and Sports Illustrated.

At a time when most business publications were little more than numbers and statistics printed in black and white, Fortune was an oversized 11"×14" publication, using creamy heavy paper, and colorful cover art. Fortune's advertisements were vivid and lush, and the magazine was also noted for its photography, featuring the work of Margaret Bourke-White, Ansel Adams, and others.

Luce also recruited young literary talent including Archibald MacLeish, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Alfred Kazin to fill its pages with human interest stories that were at times bold and critical. Among the critical they wrote were an exposé about the munitions industry, as well as critical pieces about Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt.

Today the magazine is known for its ranked lists, including the Fortune 500, a ranking of companies by revenue that it has published annually since 1955. The magazine is also known for its annual Fortune Investor's Guide.

Research Areas:

  • American business
  • International business
  • Economics
  • Industry
  • Technology
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Freegal Music Library Card Required.

Freegal Music+ is a free music service which offers download or streaming access to more than 18 million songs including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. Intotal, the collection is comprised of 200 genres of music from over 100 countries.     The collection also features music videos and audiobooks. New AI Powered search recommendations provide personalized music selections. Streaming is unlimited and you can download up to 5 DRM-free songs or two music videos per week. You can also create and save playlists and share them with others.

Freegal Music can be accessed from your computer or mobile device, as well as from our public computer stations (ask for ear plugs at the reference desk while supplies last). All you need is your library card and PIN. Lending Information. Help Guide.

Note: When you access the Freegal Music link you will be leaving the Santa Clara County Library District website and directed to Freegal Music website, a downloadable and streaming music service that provides access to the catalog of artists in Sony Music Entertainment, including Online Distribution Alliance. This service is provided at no charge to Santa Clara County Library District patrons. Library cardholders may listen to 24/7 unlimited streaming music and download five songs or two videos per week using their card number and PIN. By clicking here to access its content, you agree to Freegal End User License Agreement and accept all risks and responsibilities for the losses and damages that may arise from your use of Freegal Music. The Santa Clara County Library District bears no responsibility for the services provided by Freegal Music, and you should contact Freegal Music for answers to questions regarding its content.  You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Santa Clara County Library District from all claims and liability arising from your use of Freegal Music services. Please be aware that policies that apply to the Library and its website may not be the same as the terms of use for other websites. Technical requirements and services are the sole responsibility of Freegal Music.

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Gale eBooks: Non-Fiction Reference (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through hundreds of ready reference eBooks on science, health, business, history, literature, religion, and much more.

Once you’ve selected the content, download and save it to your drive and document using Google Suite for Education 

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Gale Presents: Peterson’s Career Prep New! Library Card Required.

Gale Presents: Peterson’s Career Prep accommodates job seekers at all levels, whether they are entering the workforce for the first time or searching for new opportunities. Career assessments prompt personalized career recommendations and guidance on programs, knowledge, skills, and ability. Search for open jobs opportunities and create visually interesting résumés, cover letters, and websites that can be externally shared with prospective employers, using prebuilt templates.

Please note: if you would like to save your resume, test results and other progress on this online resource, you will need to Register and create an account. This requires First and Last name, Email, and the creation of a Username and Password. 

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GCFLearnFree: Computer Tutorials for Beginners

Tutorials for computer basics, software products, Internet, email, popular apps, and more. Also available in Spanish.

Tutoriales de conceptos básicos de computadora, productos de software, Internet, correo electrónico, aplicaciones populares y más. Disponible en español, opens a new window.

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Grades 4-8 Student Center by LearningExpress Library Card Required.

Grades 4-8 Educator Resources* provides students in elementary school and middle school with skill-building resources for classroom and homework success. Students can prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

*Grades 4-8 Educator Resources was originally part of the School Center, and includes the Elementary School and Middle School student resources. For High School student resources, please use the High School Student Center.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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High School Equivalency Center by LearningExpress Library Card Required.

Earning a high school equivalency credential can open the door to better income, a more fulfilling job, and a college education. If you are preparing for the GED test, HiSET or TASC exams, the High School Equivalency Center's practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks will help you reach your goal.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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High School Student Center by LearningExpress Library Card Required.

The High School Student Center* provides students in grades 9 to 12 with skill-building resources for classroom and homework success. Students can prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

*The High School Student Center was originally part of the School Center, and includes the High School student resources. For Middle School and Elementary School student resources, please use the Grades 4-8 Student Center.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Hoopla – Audiobooks, eBooks, Comics, Music, and Video Comics & Graphic Novels eBooks & Audiobooks New! Library Card Required.

Download or stream eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital comics, music, movies, and TV series! Access in a browser or mobile app. Hoopla syncs across all your devices, and most titles can also be downloaded to your phone or tablet. Borrow up to 10 titles a month, with no waitlists. eBook and Audiobook collections include popular works of fiction, nonfiction, and literary classics. The Movies and Television collections offer popular movies and tv series, British television programming including Acorn TV and PBS, documentaries, children's series, and and more. The Music collection offers albums from popular artists, soundtracks, and more across various music genres. The Comics collection includes titles from well-known publishers such as Marvel, DC, Scholastic, TOKYOPOP, and many more. Lending Information. Hoopla FAQs.

BingePasses: Hoopla also provides premium content collections including magazines, The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream documentary films, Hallmark Movies, kids' premium collections, and more. Borrow a BingePass for 7 days unlimited access to the entire collection. BingePass content is available on computer, tablet, and smartphone.

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Hoopla Magazines: Digital Magazine Collection New! Library Card Required.

Borrow the Hoopla Magazines Bingepass for 7-day access to this premium digital collection of popular magazines! Titles include Us Weekly, Good Housekeeping, Prevention, Cosmopolitan, Reader’s Digest, In Touch, TIME, and more. Sign in to your Hoopla account to access this collection. BingePass content is available on computer, tablet, and smartphone. Lending Information. Hoopla FAQs.

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HyRead: 繁體中文電子書和電子雜誌 / Chinese eBooks & eMagazines eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

HyRead 是一個繁體中文電子書及電子雜誌平台,主要提供台灣出版的中文圖書、雜誌和影音項目,內容包羅萬象,適合各年齡層的讀者借閱,借閱期滿還能自動歸還。可直接網上閱讀或下載HyRead App (支援PC/iOS/Android) 到各種瀏覽器進行離線閱覽,讓您隨時隨地可輕鬆閱讀!

HyRead 是一个繁体中文电子书及电子杂志平台,主要提供台湾出版的中文图书、杂志和影音项目,內容包罗万象,适合各年龄层的读者借阅,借阅期满还能自动归还。可直接网上阅读或下载HyRead App (支持PC/iOS/Android) 到各种浏览器进行离线阅览,让您随时随地可轻松阅读!

HyRead is a traditional Chinese language eBook and eMagazine platform that includes titles and multimedia content for all ages. Get the HyRead App for iOS, Android, or Windows 10 or read in your browser. Lending Information. Help Guide.

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Job & Career Accelerator by LearningExpress New! Library Card Required.

The Job & Career Accelerator from LearningExpress provides tools for job seekers, including: job and internship search engines, skills and interest assessments, occupation explorers, resume and cover letter builders, interviewing tips, career advice library, college finder, and scholarship finder.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Kanopy – Stream Movies, TV Shows, & Documentaries Library Card Required.

Stream movies including the Criterion Collection, award-winning films, major studio releases, independent cinema, acclaimed documentaries, and more. Enjoy 30 tickets per month (resets on the 1st of each month). New users: After logging in with your library card number, create an account in Kanopy using Google, Facebook, or an email address. Lending Information. FAQ. Need to reset your Kanopy password? Use this link.

For unlimited streaming of kids' movies and TV shows, check out Kanopy Kids, opens a new window.

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LearningExpress: Skill-Building Courses, Occupational Practice Tests, Career & Academic Tests, & Much More! Library Card Required.

LearningExpress Library is an online learning platform to take self-paced courses and practice tests. You will find:

  • Skill-building courses and eBooks to help with reading, writing, and math.
  • Occupational practice tests and civil service exams for a variety of career choices. 
  • Career and academic tests.

Available in English and Spanish. New users will be asked to create a user name and password when they first access the resource.

A través de Recursos para Hispanohablantes de Learning Express Library usted podrá hacer actividades para mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, escritura y matemáticas, y prepararse para el examen de GED.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Libby, by OverDrive: Magazines Library Card Required.

View 3,000+ full-color, digital copies of your favorite magazines including Rolling StoneVogueUs Weekly and much more. Includes international content from a variety of countries such as Australia, Great Britain, Canada, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Latin America, Japan, Korea, Russia, etc. You will have access to a “rolling” 3 years of back issues wherever available.  Access is for simultaneous use for 7, 14, or 21 days (depending on your personal account settings). Lending Information. Help Guide.

To recommend items for the Libby App or the OverDrive website, please see our Suggestion for Purchase guide. 

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Libby, by OverDrive: Magazines for Kids & Teens Library Card Required.

View complete, full-color, digital copies of your favorite magazines including HelloHigh FiveHighlightsNational Geographic for Kids, and more! Includes international content from a variety of countries such as Australia, Great Britain, Canada, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Latin America, Japan, Korea, Russia, etc. You will have access to a “rolling” 3 years of back issues wherever available.  Access is for simultaneous use for 7, 14, or 21 days (depending on your personal account settings). Lending Information. Help Guide

To recommend items for the Libby App or the OverDrive website, please see our Suggestion for Purchase guide. 

Life Magazine Archive (1936-2000) Library Card Required.

Features storytelling through documentary photographs and informative captions. Each issue visually and powerfully depicted national and international events and topical stories, providing intimate views of real people and their real life situations.

Articles and cover pages are fully indexed and advertisements are individually identified, ensuring researchers and readers can quickly and accurately locate the information they seek.

Life Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th Century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

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LinkedIn Learning for Libraries (Formerly Lynda.com) Library Card Required.

Online self-paced learning courses for continuing education in business, marketing, management, software, technology, creative skills and more! Discover teacher tips as well as courses teaching software and coding for educators. Courses are offered in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese. Certificates of Completion are available; they are provided in the form of a plain document without any personal identifiable information such as your name. FAQ: Accessing the LinkedIn Learning App

Please Note: LinkedIn Learning requires users to be 16 or older. LinkedIn Learning also asks users under the age of 16 to obtain parental or legal guardian consent to LinkedIn Learning’s Terms of Use and LinkedIn Learning’s Privacy Policy. By following the link above to access LinkedIn Learning, you certify that you are 16 or older, and that if you are under the age of 16, that you have obtained the consent of your parent or legal guardian to LinkedIn Learning’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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Maclean’s Magazine (1905-2015 & Current) Library Card Required.

If you would like to read issues of Maclean's from 2015 to Current,  you can find it on Flipster!

Maclean’s is a leading Canadian news and general interest magazine. Providing a unique perspective on national and international news and culture, the magazine covers investigative reporting, opinion and analysis on politics, economics, technology and more.

During World War I, the magazine published first-hand accounts of life on the western front while remaining critical of Canada’s war efforts.

The magazine also provided literary pieces and artistic expressions and ran fiction by Robert W. Service, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and O. Henry. It provided commentary by Stephen Leacock and illustrations by C. W. Jefferys, F. S. Coburn, and several Group of Seven members, including A. J. Casson, Arthur Lismer, and J. E. H. MacDonald.

During and shortly after World War II, the magazine featured war photography by Yousuf Karsh, and articles by war correspondents John Clare and Lionel Shapiro.

During the 1950s the magazine was noted for its articles on the Canadian landscape and profiles of town and city life. The feature article, The Mysterious North, by Pierre Berton, promoted a new national interest in the Arctic. In addition the magazine provided exposés that challenged the criminal justice system, explored LSD, and artificial insemination.

In the 1970s the magazine became well known for Allan Fotheringham’s column that was printed on the back page of the magazine. Legend has it that most readers would go to read the back page first, and then proceed to read the magazine from back to front.

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