JPA Budget and Plans

Capital Maintenance Plan | Operating Budget | Technical Budget

Capital Maintenance Plan

The Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority Board (JPA) adopted a Ten-Year Capital Maintenance Plan in January 2010, and reviews updates annually.  The most recent update was completed in October 2014.  The terms of all County Library District building leases require the Library to pay for all building maintenance and component replacement costs.  All buildings eventually suffer from the effects of aging components, heavy public use and normal wear.  In preparing a long term plan for known and predictable maintenance and replacement needs, staff identifies financing requirements for the next ten years.

Capital Maintenance Plan Review:


Operating Budget

The County Library District’s annual operating budget is developed throughout the year.  In early fall, input is solicited from every staff member on services and equipment to be considered for the following fiscal year’s budget.  Once the budget is formulated by Library Administration, it is reviewed by the Santa Clara County Library District JPA Finance Committee and sent to the Joint Powers Authority Board for review in late spring.  The budget is generally approved in June.
The County Library District has a number of criteria to consider when developing the budget.  These include commitment to:

  • Honor legal contracts such as building leases and maintenance
  • Maintain current service hours and extend hours whenever possible
  • Augment the materials account so that it will eventually be at least 15 percent of the total operating budget
  • Maintain sufficient reserves
  • Employ the most current technology feasible
  • Maintain strong support services at the lowest possible cost to focus service at the community library level

Once the JPA Board approves the budget, it is presented to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors (the Library District’s fiscal agent) for adoption.

Final Operating Budget:


Technical Plan

The Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority Board (JPA) adopts a Technology Plan every three years which provides a budgetary framework for the Library’s acquisition of hardware and software, implementation of new technology, as well as wireless and network support. This plan is generally approved and updated in January. Once approved, the corresponding dollar amount is set aside in a Technology Reserve, from which funds are appropriated annually upon the JPA’s adoption of the annual operating budget.

Three Year Technology Plan:


Single Button Module

JPA Agenda and Minutes
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