

The Library is a Free Wireless Hotspot

Bring your laptop or mobile device to the library and get free wireless Internet access! Wi-Fi coverage is extended into the parking lots of the CupertinoGilroyLos AltosMilpitasMorgan Hill and Saratoga Libraries. (See coverage areas) In addition, we have installed Wi-Fi on both Bookmobiles to provide Wi-Fi access to patrons when the Bookmobile is out in the community. Your laptop may automatically connect to the library wireless network depending on your location.

To Log On:

  1. Join the SCC Library District network on your device.
  2. To log in, please read "Accessing Wireless Network Terms." This should be an automatic pop-up. You may need to open a browser to generate it.
  3. Click "Accept"
  4. If your laptop or device does not automatically detect a wireless signal, make sure your wireless adapter is turned on. Use your wireless connection program or control panel to select the "SCC Library District" wireless network and repeat the steps above.

NOTE: Other NON-LIBRARY networks may be accessible. However, we strongly recommend you do not use them unless they are known and trusted networks.

To Log Out:

The system will automatically log you out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Wi-Fi Parking Lot Coverage Areas

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