Born to Read @ Your Local Library

Born to Read @ Your Local Library

Santa Clara County Library District welcomes your new baby!

Bringing a new baby home can be an exciting and overwhelming time—there’s so much to learn, so much to do, and you’re getting so little sleep! Getting your child ready to read is probably the last thing on your mind. But did you know that you can start building your child’s early literacy skills now?

Beginning at birth, you can use books, songs, and fingerplays to help your baby grow up to be a successful reader and learner. Your child will reap the benefits for years to come if you start helping him or her develop a love for books and reading now.Here are some steps you can take to help ensure your baby’s future success:


Let your baby explore books. Most babies discover books by playing with them and putting them in their mouths. A book is often a baby's first toy.


Talk to your baby about what you're doing as you're doing it. Respond to his or her expressions, movements, and sounds. This is how your baby communicates with you.


Your baby loves the sound of your voice. Share songs and rhymes in the car, in the tub, on the bus, anywhere, and everywhere.


Enjoy a quiet time sharing a board book or simple picture book with your baby. Make book sharing a part of your daily routine. It's never too early or too late to start sharing books, rhymes, and songs with your baby. Visit your community library to find baby storytimes and to borrow books that will delight your new baby. Ask our children's librarians for age-appropriate suggestions.

Visit your library to get your baby his or her first library card which includes a special gift. Learn more.

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