Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Directories

The saying "information is power" may be true, yet only if the information is accurate. The Library provides a collection of online encyclopedias, dictionaries, and directories that you can count on to assist with your research and general information needs. Log in with your Library Card and you'll find that these e-books and research resources are easy to use. The collection includes:

World Book Encyclopedia Online

world book online World Book Encyclopedia Online provides encyclopedia articles, edited to suit kids and adults. Also includes tables, animations, videos, pictures, maps and resources for teachers. This trustworthy reference is perfect for school reports and research papers. There are different portals for different age ranges, and includes Spanish resources for elementary school users.


Britannica School Edition and Britannica Escolar

Britannica School includes portals for elementary, middle, and high school students. Find up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, video, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, recommended websites, and more.         

La Encyclopaedia Britannica en línea con niveles para niños y jóvenes proporciona artículos de texto completo con enlaces a sitios web. Un recurso útil para ensayos, tareas de historia y más.

Oxford English Dictionary Online

Provides contemporary and historical meanings and pronunciation of words, using quotations to illustrate usage. Look up words and learn about the evolution of the English language over the last millennium.


Green's Dictionary of Slang

Covering five centuries of the English-speaking regions of the world, this dictionary provides definitions to impertinent, vile, censored, hip, witty, and fascinating slang words.


Gale Directory of Publications and Media Broadcasts

Contains contact & directory information for radio and television stations and cable companies. Media entries provide address; phone, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses; key personnel, including feature editors; and much more. Scope includes U.S., Canadian, and international media.

Reference USA: Phone Lookup and Directory Information

Provides information about businesses and people. Search by name, location, type of business and more. Conduct business and consumer research, create marketing plans, research competitive analysis, and locate executives.

These and much more are available from the Library's Encyclopedia, Reference, and Directories page. If you have any questions about using these online resources, Ask a Librarian!