A-Z Resources


Audiolibros y libros digitales en español de OverDrive / Libby (eBooks & Audiobooks in Spanish) Library Card Required.

Descargue o transmita libros electrónicos y audiolibros en español. Puede disfrutar de títulos populares y literatura clásica, historias para niños y adolescentes, y mucho más en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. La colección para niños y adolescentes incluye libros ilustrados, ficción YA, no ficción YA y más. Muchos están escritos por autores latinos y estadounidenses populares como Pat Mora, Yuyi Morales, Rene Collato, Jeff Kinney y Raina Telgemier.

Download or stream eBooks and Audiobooks in the Spanish language. You can enjoy best-sellers and classic literature, stories for kids and teens, and much more anytime, anywhere. The kids and teens collection includes picture books, YA fiction, YA nonfiction, and more. Many are written by popular Latino and American authors like Pat Mora, Yuyi Morales, Rene Collato, Jeff Kinney, and Raina Telgemier.


Brainfuse HelpNow: Online Tutoring & Homework Help for Students Library Card Required.

Get homework help on any subject with an online tutor from 1-10 p.m., any day of the week. Spanish tutors are also available.

Additional services provided include the following:

  • Writing Lab: Get feedback within one business day.
  • SkillSurfer: Study resources and test prep.
  • Send Question: Get a response within one business day.
  • Language Lab: Live help learning Spanish.
  • LEAP: Create a customized learning plan.
  • Flashbulb: Create and share flashcards, tests and games.
  • eParachute: Identify potential majors and career paths.
  • MEET Virtual Study Rooms: Collaborate with classmates.
  • Brainwave videos: Record your notes to watch and share writing.
  • Live Chess Tutoring: Online tutoring help from an expert chess coach. This service is available Monday - Thursday from 3:00-8:59 PM PST.  
  • FAFSA Live Help: Get help with filling out your application form.

HelpNow by Brainfuse brinda ayuda con tareas y escritura, tutoría en vivo y servicios de preparación para exámenes. Los tutores de habla inglesa y española están disponibles de lunes a domingo de 1 a 10 p.m. para recibir asistencia personalizada en una amplia variedad de temas.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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ComicsPlus by LibraryPass Comics & Graphic Novels Library Card Required.

Enjoy thousands of digital graphic novels and comics, available 24/7 on web-connected devices. Includes fiction and nonfiction, indie comics, Sunday funnies, and manga!

Sign in with your card number and PIN to borrow and download comics. Checkouts last 7 days, but you can renew instantly and as often as you like. Download for offline reading.

Comics Plus offers a new app for Android and iOS devices, called “Library Pass.” To login, please use your card number and PIN. The labels on the sign-in page read Email Address and Password. We’ve asked the vendor to correct the labels, which they will do with their next major enhancement. We apologize for the confusion this might cause when signing into the new Library Pass app.

For more information about this collection, please see ComicsPlus FAQs and Lending Information.

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EBSCO Reference eBook Collection eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

Access hundreds of reference and non-fiction eBook titles on a variety of subjects including art & architecture, computer science, health & medicine, history, and more. Also included are full-text classics, poetry, and drama that are in the public domain. All titles can be read online or downloaded to your device for 21 days (see our Get Started Guide for more info).

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Freegal Music Library Card Required.

Freegal Music+ is a free music service which offers download or streaming access to more than 18 million songs including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. Intotal, the collection is comprised of 200 genres of music from over 100 countries.     The collection also features music videos and audiobooks. New AI Powered search recommendations provide personalized music selections. Streaming is unlimited and you can download up to 5 DRM-free songs or two music videos per week. You can also create and save playlists and share them with others.

Freegal Music can be accessed from your computer or mobile device, as well as from our public computer stations (ask for ear plugs at the reference desk while supplies last). All you need is your library card and PIN. Lending Information. Help Guide.

Note: When you access the Freegal Music link you will be leaving the Santa Clara County Library District website and directed to Freegal Music website, a downloadable and streaming music service that provides access to the catalog of artists in Sony Music Entertainment, including Online Distribution Alliance. This service is provided at no charge to Santa Clara County Library District patrons. Library cardholders may listen to 24/7 unlimited streaming music and download five songs or two videos per week using their card number and PIN. By clicking here to access its content, you agree to Freegal End User License Agreement and accept all risks and responsibilities for the losses and damages that may arise from your use of Freegal Music. The Santa Clara County Library District bears no responsibility for the services provided by Freegal Music, and you should contact Freegal Music for answers to questions regarding its content.  You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Santa Clara County Library District from all claims and liability arising from your use of Freegal Music services. Please be aware that policies that apply to the Library and its website may not be the same as the terms of use for other websites. Technical requirements and services are the sole responsibility of Freegal Music.

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Gale eBooks: Non-Fiction Reference (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

Optimized for search and discovery, the Gale eBooks platform enables you to search through hundreds of ready reference eBooks on science, health, business, history, literature, religion, and much more.

Once you’ve selected the content, download and save it to your drive and document using Google Suite for Education 

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Hoopla – Audiobooks, eBooks, Comics, Music, and Video Comics & Graphic Novels eBooks & Audiobooks New! Library Card Required.

Download or stream eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital comics, music, movies, and TV series! Access in a browser or mobile app. Hoopla syncs across all your devices, and most titles can also be downloaded to your phone or tablet. Borrow up to 10 titles a month, with no waitlists. eBook and Audiobook collections include popular works of fiction, nonfiction, and literary classics. The Movies and Television collections offer popular movies and tv series, British television programming including Acorn TV and PBS, documentaries, children's series, and and more. The Music collection offers albums from popular artists, soundtracks, and more across various music genres. The Comics collection includes titles from well-known publishers such as Marvel, DC, Scholastic, TOKYOPOP, and many more. Lending Information. Hoopla FAQs.

BingePasses: Hoopla also provides premium content collections including magazines, The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream documentary films, Hallmark Movies, kids' premium collections, and more. Borrow a BingePass for 7 days unlimited access to the entire collection. BingePass content is available on computer, tablet, and smartphone.

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HyRead: 繁體中文電子書和電子雜誌 / Chinese eBooks & eMagazines eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

HyRead 是一個繁體中文電子書及電子雜誌平台,主要提供台灣出版的中文圖書、雜誌和影音項目,內容包羅萬象,適合各年齡層的讀者借閱,借閱期滿還能自動歸還。可直接網上閱讀或下載HyRead App (支援PC/iOS/Android) 到各種瀏覽器進行離線閱覽,讓您隨時隨地可輕鬆閱讀!

HyRead 是一个繁体中文电子书及电子杂志平台,主要提供台湾出版的中文图书、杂志和影音项目,內容包罗万象,适合各年龄层的读者借阅,借阅期满还能自动归还。可直接网上阅读或下载HyRead App (支持PC/iOS/Android) 到各种浏览器进行离线阅览,让您随时随地可轻松阅读!

HyRead is a traditional Chinese language eBook and eMagazine platform that includes titles and multimedia content for all ages. Get the HyRead App for iOS, Android, or Windows 10 or read in your browser. Lending Information. Help Guide.

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Kanopy – Stream Movies, TV Shows, & Documentaries Library Card Required.

Stream movies including the Criterion Collection, award-winning films, major studio releases, independent cinema, acclaimed documentaries, and more. Enjoy 30 tickets per month (resets on the 1st of each month). New users: After logging in with your library card number, create an account in Kanopy using Google, Facebook, or an email address. Lending Information. FAQ. Need to reset your Kanopy password? Use this link.

For unlimited streaming of kids' movies and TV shows, check out Kanopy Kids, opens a new window.

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Libby, by OverDrive: Magazines Library Card Required.

View 3,000+ full-color, digital copies of your favorite magazines including Rolling StoneVogueUs Weekly and much more. Includes international content from a variety of countries such as Australia, Great Britain, Canada, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Latin America, Japan, Korea, Russia, etc. You will have access to a “rolling” 3 years of back issues wherever available.  Access is for simultaneous use for 7, 14, or 21 days (depending on your personal account settings). Lending Information. Help Guide.

To recommend items for the Libby App or the OverDrive website, please see our Suggestion for Purchase guide. 

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Libby, by OverDrive: Magazines for Kids & Teens Library Card Required.

View complete, full-color, digital copies of your favorite magazines including HelloHigh FiveHighlightsNational Geographic for Kids, and more! Includes international content from a variety of countries such as Australia, Great Britain, Canada, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Latin America, Japan, Korea, Russia, etc. You will have access to a “rolling” 3 years of back issues wherever available.  Access is for simultaneous use for 7, 14, or 21 days (depending on your personal account settings). Lending Information. Help Guide

To recommend items for the Libby App or the OverDrive website, please see our Suggestion for Purchase guide. 

LinkedIn Learning for Libraries (Formerly Lynda.com) Library Card Required.

Online self-paced learning courses for continuing education in business, marketing, management, software, technology, creative skills and more! Discover teacher tips as well as courses teaching software and coding for educators. Courses are offered in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese. Certificates of Completion are available; they are provided in the form of a plain document without any personal identifiable information such as your name. FAQ: Accessing the LinkedIn Learning App

Please Note: LinkedIn Learning requires users to be 16 or older. LinkedIn Learning also asks users under the age of 16 to obtain parental or legal guardian consent to LinkedIn Learning’s Terms of Use and LinkedIn Learning’s Privacy Policy. By following the link above to access LinkedIn Learning, you certify that you are 16 or older, and that if you are under the age of 16, that you have obtained the consent of your parent or legal guardian to LinkedIn Learning’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

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New York Times Cooking New!

Access Now

The New York Times website is having functionality issues in Firefox. Please use a different browser while the issues are being resolved.

New York Times Cooking is an inspiring cooking guide, innovative, and interactive kitchen tool, and diverse recipe collection that helps home cooks of every level discover, save and organize the world's best recipes, while also helping them become better, more competent cooks.

When you enter the resource, please click the Redeem button to receive 24-hour access to this resource. To activate your subscription, you’ll need to log in to your New York Times account or register for one. You can login with the same login information you use to access The New York Times, Current Issues.

You will need to activate a subscription for New York Times Cooking whether you are accessing this resource from home or within the library. 

Please Note: The New York Times (NYT) requires users to be 13 or older.  The NYT also asks users age 13-17 to obtain parental or legal guardian consent to the NYT Terms of Service and NYT Privacy Policy.  By following the link below to access the NYT, you certify that you are 13 or older, and that if you are 13-17 years old, that you have obtained the consent of your parent or legal guardian to the NYT terms of service and privacy policy.

When accessing the New York Times link, you will be leaving the Santa Clara County Library District website and directed to the New York Times site. This service is provided at no charge to Santa Clara County Library District patrons. Please be aware that policies that apply to the Library and its website may not be the same as the terms of use for other websites. By proceeding you agree to accept and assume all risks and responsibilities for the losses and damages that may arise from your use of the New York Times website and release the Santa Clara County Library District from all liability. 

Watch Tutorial

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New York Times, The (Current Issues) Library Card Required.

The New York Times website is having functionality issues in Firefox. Please use a different browser while the issues are being resolved. 

The New York Times Online is available in three editions: English, Spanish and Chinese. Click on ESPAÑOL or 中文 on top of the webpage to access the Spanish or Chinese edition.

Headlines are updated throughout the day and readers have access to Times Video, which provides short videos on culture, entertainment, world news, science, and much more. Lending Information. FAQ.

A few limitations to be aware of:

  • Mobile apps are available only for remote access. If you're connected to the Library's WiFi inside the library you will not be able to use the mobile app version. To use the app, redeem your code through the Library's website first and then follow the prompts to either sign-in or register. Once you've signed in, you can switch to the app version and sign in with the same credentials to start using the app.
  • Articles from 1923-1980 are not available for in-library access. However, patrons can access 5 articles per day from this date range via off-site access.
  • The archives for 1851-1922 and 1981 - present are unlimited.
  • The Crosswords app is not included. However, crosswords from the past week, as well as a handful from the archive, are available in the Crosswords section.
  • If you would like access to recipes, please Redeem access to New York Times Cooking. 
  • To visit historic issues of The New York Times, visit this link


請點撃主頁面正上方的“中文”選項 進入中文介面。

頭條新聞每日即時更新,時報視頻 (Times Video)  則提供有關文化、娛樂、世界新聞、科學等多元短視頻。


请点撃主页面正上方的“中文”选项 进入中文介面。

头条新闻每日即时更新,时报视频 (Times Video)  则提供有关文化、娱乐、世界新闻、科学等多元短视频。

Edición en español del New York Times en línea

Los titulares del periódico se actualizan a lo largo del día. Haga clic en “Español” el la parte superior de la página web.

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Palace Project: an eReading Experience, The eBooks & Audiobooks New! Library Card Required.

Introducing the Palace Project and Palace app, an e-reading experience developed by and for libraries. With the Palace app, you have access to Palace Project digital collections from the California State Library and Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD). Enjoy thousands of free books from the Palace Bookshelf – available exclusively in the app. Download the Palace app for Android or Apple iOS today!

Content providers included in The Palace Project:

  • eBooks and Audiobooks collections provided by the California State Library and additional collections provided by SCCLD.

Native App Features:

  • Catalog: Browse eBooks and audiobooks by genre, audience (adult, teen/young adult, and children), and language (English, Español).
  • My Books: See, read, or return the titles you have checked out.
  • Reservations: See the status of titles you have requested.
  • Settings: Change your library and find about the Palace Project information.

How to Download and Use the App:

  • How-To guides for Apple iOS and Android.
  • Search for the "The Palace Project" app in the Google Play or Apple Store and download.
  • Find Your Library: Look for "Santa Clara County Library District".
  • When you first borrow or request a title you will be prompted to sign in with your library card number and PIN. 
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PressReader – Digital Kiosk of Newspapers & Magazines with Worldwide Coverage Library Card Required.

Full view of newspapers and magazines from 120+ countries with 60+ languages including publications from Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Canada, and the United States. Includes up to 3 months of back coverage. Lending Information.

If you are accessing PressReader from outside the library, click the "Sign In button " on the top right which looks like a person within a circle, right corner. In the sign in window that comes up click on "Library and Group", then select "Santa Clara County Library District" and enter your Library Card Number and PIN for full access to PressReader. 

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Rosetta Stone Library Edition: Language Learning Including ESL Library Card Required.

*There is a known issue with iOS mobile devices not authenticating library users. We are working with the vendor to resolve the issue. Please use PC, Mac, Chromebook, or an Android mobile device to sign in to Rosetta Stone. Learn more.

Immersion language learning for 30 languages including English (ESL)! Online courses are available in different proficiency levels and structured around core lessons that help build reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills using interactive voice comparison, illustrative images, quizzes, and challenges. FAQs & Instructions.

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World Languages Collection on Libby, by Overdrive eBooks & Audiobooks Library Card Required.

This collection provides access to eBooks, audiobooks, eMagazines, and some streaming video in numerous languages. This collection is great for learning another language, reading in your native tongue, and exploring other cultures just out of curiosity. Lending Information. Help Guide.

To recommend items for the Libby App or the OverDrive website, please see our Suggestion for Purchase guide. 

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