Labor Day in Santa Clara County: Recharging and Reflecting in the Land of Hustle

Here in Santa Clara County, the concept of "labor" takes on a unique twist. We're a land of relentless hustle in Silicon Valley, innovation at breakneck speed, and a culture that often glamorizes the 24/7 grind. But even here, Labor Day offers a welcome chance to hit the pause button and reflect on what it…
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Celebrating Freedom: Reflections on Independence Day with Your Library!

Every year on the Fourth of July, the United States bursts into a vibrant display of red, white, and blue. Fireworks light up the night sky, parades snakes through cities and towns, and backyard barbecues fill the air with delicious aromas. Beyond the festive atmosphere lies a deeper meaning - a celebration of independence and…
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Pride and Prejudice in Santa Clara County: Ken Yeager Shares Lessons in Political Courage for Today’s Activists

Former Santa Clara County Supervisor Ken Yeager shared stories from his political career and gave advice for aspiring elected officials at a talk at the Campbell Community Center on Monday, June 24. Yeager is the author of Run! My Story of LGBTQ+ Political Power, Equality, and Acceptance in Silicon Valley and two other works. Yeager…
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