Storytime Online

Fun Storytime Snippet Collection: Simplified Chinese / 故事会片段

Enjoy even more storytime fun with our Snippet Collection! Each snippet is an individually recorded song, rhyme or story presented by one of our librarians.

Table of Contents:
Animals / 动物 | Book/Library / 书籍 /图书馆 | Celebrations / 庆祝| Clothes / 穿衣戴帽| Concepts / 基本概念 | Family / 家庭 | |Farm / 农场  | Friends / 朋友  | Health / 健康 | Houses / 房屋 |Toys & Play 玩具 & 玩游戏|Weather/Seasons / 天气 /四季


Animals / 动物

Simplified Chinese - Chicken Riddles

Simplified Chinese - Big Fat Hen Song

Simplified Chinese - Little Red Hen Flannel Board Story

Simplified Chinese - Chicken Opening Song

Simplified Chinese - Chicken Goodbye Song

Simplified Chinese - 10 Little Dragons

Simplified Chinese - Dragon Riddle

Simplified Chinese -Song-哈巴狗

Simplified Chinese - Song-小花貓

Simplified Chinese -Tiger Craft

Simplified Chinese -Tiger Flannel Board - 狐假虎威

Simplified Chinese - Tigers Fingerplay 

Simplified Chinese - Song-兩只老虎

Simplified Chinese - Elephant Song

Simplified Chinese -蚂蚁和蚱蜢 The Ant & the Grasshopper

Simplified Chinese - 谜语 Riddle

Simplified Chinese - 小蜜蜂 Bees

Simplified Chinese - 蝴蝶 Butterfly

Simplified Chinese - Elephant Song

Simplified Chinese - Ant moves a bean 蚂蚁搬豆

Simplified Chinese -  谜语

Simplified Chinese - 鱼儿水中游

Simplified Chinese - 五只海洋朋友 5 Little Ocean Friends

Simplified Chinese -章鱼 Octopus

Simplified Chinese - 稻草里的火鸡 Turkey in the Straw

Simplified Chinese -  Henny Penny

Simplified Chinese -  Draw a Turkey

Simplified Chinese -  Did You Ever See a Turkey?

Book/Library / 书籍 /图书馆

Simplified Chinese - The Flannel Board Storytelling Book

Celebrations / 庆祝

Simplified Chinese -嫦娥奔月 - Moon Flannel

Simplified Chinese -Aikendrum Song

Simplified Chinese - Hey Diddle, Diddle Song

Simplified Chinese -月亮出来了 - Moon Song

Simplified Chinese - Making Moon Cakes

Simplified Chinese - Moon Festival Poems

Simplified Chinese - Craft 剪纸手工

Simplified Chinese - Dumplings 炒萝卜

Simplified Chinese - Spring Festival Couplets 春联

Simplified Chinese - 12 Zodiac Animals 十二生肖

Simplified Chinese - Rice Balls

Clothes / 穿衣戴帽

Simplified Chinese - Rhyming Game

Simplified Chinese - I'm Going Wear a Sweater

Simplified Chinese - Teddy Wore His Red Shirt

Simplified Chinese - Red Shoes 紅鞋

Concepts / 基本概念

Simplified Chinese - Clancy the Clown

Simplified Chinese - Intro & Craft

Simplified Chinese - 10 Little Bubbles

Simplified Chinese - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Simplified Chinese - 角 兩角

Family / 家庭

Simplified Chinese - Don't Touch the Baby Fingerplay

Simplified Chinese - 大姆哥 (Thumb) Fingerplay

Simplified Chinese - Three Eggs Flannel

Simplified Chinese - This Little Pig Song

Simplified Chinese - 小馬(Foal) Song

Simplified Chinese - Tommy Thumb

Simplified Chinese - 短弟弟和长哥哥 Brothers Short and Brothers Long

Simplified Chinese - 五兄弟 Five Brothers

Farm / 农场

Simplified Chinese - Little House With No Doors Cut & Tell

Simplified Chinese - Apples Riddle 

Simplified Chinese - Farmer Brown Has 5 Green Apples Song

Simplified Chinese - 拔萝卜 Turnip

Simplified Chinese - 豌豆莢 Five Pea Pods

Simplified Chinese - Apples Riddle 

Simplified Chinese - 谜语 Riddle

Simplified Chinese - 蜗牛 Snail

Friends / 朋友

Simplified Chinese - Looking for a Friend 找朋友

Simplified Chinese - Where is my Friend? 我的朋友在哪里

Simplified Chinese - Two Black Birds

Simplified Chinese - A Friend for Little Mouse

Simplified Chinese - Mr. Wiggle & Mr. Waggle

Health / 健康

Simplified Chinese - Little Froggie Flannel

Simplified Chinese - Got a Boo Boo Song

Simplified Chinese - I am a Bubble

Simplified Chinese - Mr. Crum's Problem

Simplified Chinese - Piggie

Houses / 房屋

Simplified Chinese - 手工-鸟巢

Simplified Chinese -手工 House of shapes

Simplified Chinese-乌龟 Turtle rhyme & song

Simplified Chinese - Whose House?

Simplified Chinese - 盖房子

Simplified Chinese - 三只小猪 Three Little Pigs

Toys & Play 玩具 & 玩游戏

Simplified Chinese - Rock Paper Scissors

Simplified Chinese - Jack in the Box

Simplified Chinese - Pat a Cake

Simplified Chinese - The First Teddy Bear

Simplified Chinese - The Farmer in the Dell

Simplified Chinese - Stool

Weather/Seasons / 天气 /四季

Simplified Chinese - Itsy Bitsy Spider Song

Simplified Chinese - Rain Riddle

Simplified Chinese - Rain Rhymes and Songs 大頭;下雨天

Simplified Chinese - Rainhat

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