Coding and Computer Skills for Your Career

Treehouse is an online learning platform for coding and computer skills, packed with hundreds of self-paced learning tracks and skill building courses. In 2020's shelter-in-place environment, it's especially important to enhance your resume with relevant home-office skills, develop new skills for a digital workplace, and discover ways to improve your business's online presence.

New to Treehouse? Register for an account for free access through the library.

Already have an account? Sign in with your email and password.

Join a curriculum track or browse the Treehouse library to select your own learning experiences among the many interactive workshops, short practice sessions, and structured video courses for a variety of coding and computer tech subjects.

Explore Learning Opportunities

  • New to the online environment? Get started with the Digital Literacy track for an introduction to basic computing principles and foundational knowledge of the Internet.
  • Learn coding languages: Discover HTML, Java, Python, SQL, and many more skill building courses and interactive workshops.
  • Build your own website: Front End Web Development and Web Design are two learning tracks that teach foundational coding techniques and design principles, respectively.
  • Create an app: Find video courses for Android and iOS app design and development — available for beginning, intermediate, and advanced skill levels.
  • And so much more! Expand your career opportunities and enjoy learning with Treehouse.