5 Cool Ways to Explore the Past with our Digital Magazine Archive Collection

We recently expanded our digital magazine archive collection. Here’s a list of all the titles that currently round out our online collection.

Browse each issue or select the "Search within this publication" link to perform relevant keyword searches. You can also perform an advanced search and select the type of document you’d like to locate. Display your search results by “date oldest” for best results.

Now, let’s take it a step further to maximize your experience.

  1. Access primary source material
    Study how key events and people were covered at the time the event occurred. Read in-depth essays, exposés, and articles as they were written during a particular time in history.
  2. Investigate trends and hot button issues
    Study how topics such as gender equality, LGBTQ rights, elections, wars, affirmative action, civil rights, played out over time.
  3. Search for company information by entering the DUNS or NAICS codes
    We now offer the entire run of Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Forbes, and Fortune. These titles make up the top three U.S. business magazines. If you’re a student of business searching for historic information on companies, investments, and more, you can simply type in the search box the DUNS or NAICS code to see what articles have been written about a particular company or entity.
  4. Search for book and literary reviews
    Find information on authors and books within the magazine collection. Many titles have featured famous writers and their works. If you’re a student of literature this is a great way to check and see what has been written about a particular author and their work. Learn about the classics in a whole new way. Read author interviews and book reviews during the height of someone’s career.
  5. Search for advertisements
    Explore product advertising and its evolution throughout the 20th century. For example, follow the progression of Ford ads through the years.

In the event you’re looking for the most recent issues of the above mentioned titles, please visit our RBdigital Magazines and Flipster Digital Magazine collections. Both services offer a wide variety of magazine titles currently available online.