California COVID Diaries

California COVID Diaries

California COVID Diaries

Each of us has been impacted in different ways by the COVID-19 pandemic. Old, young and in-between, we’ve all experienced big changes in our work home and social lives. Some changes, like losing a job, are difficult. Others – like spending more time with loved ones or doing more to help those in need – are joyful and inspiring.

SCCLD is partnering with the California State Library to collect COVID-19 stories from across the state. We invite you to share your experience – in an essay, poem, letter, photograph, artwork or video – so that we can preserve these memories for future Californians.

All Santa Clara County residents are welcome to submit typed or handwritten journals, letters, e-mail narratives and blog posts; photographs, videos and audio recordings; written or recorded interviews with family or friends; artwork and drawings; and other storytelling methods. Submissions will be preserved and eventually shared with the public so that future generations can understand and learn about how Californians reacted and responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join us in celebrating the launch of California COVID Diaries, and help us record and commemorate the stories of Californians in 2020. Please visit, opens a new window to submit your story.

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