National Preparedness Month @SCCLD

National Preparedness Month 

The month of September is National Preparedness Month, this month focuses on the importance of having a plan in place in case of a disaster or emergency. Due to California being at high risk of wildfires and an ongoing drought, it is important to be prepared to the unexpected. The Red Cross has created a  Visual Checklist for Your Disaster Supply Kit, this is a good starting point.  

Upcoming Trainings and Events  

On Friday, September 15th at the Morgan Hill Library will be hosting Wildfire Preparedness: Ready Set Go! With Santa Clara Cal Fire to discuss how to prepare your homes and family before a wildfire, including creating defensible space, preparing go bags, discussing what to do during a wildfire and knowing when to go.   

Santa Clara County Fire Department Free Trainings 


Additional Resources (websites) Build a Kit Prepare Your Pets for Disasters