Storybook SCCLD

Something Big Is Coming In 2025!

Have you ever wondered what the Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) children’s spaces would look like if they were transformed into an enchanted children's storybook? You're about to find out!

Welcome to Storybook SCCLD!

Strategic Priority:

In Jan 2023, SCCLD introduced our 5-year Strategic Priorities. One of our four priorities is INSPIRE: We inspire, building the foundations of literacy within our community.

Strategic Goal: Create enchanting and interactive children’s spaces to support early literacy skill building and instill a love of learning.

Storybook SCCLD play spaces are designed to captivate young children and their caregivers, promoting the five principles of Every Child Ready to Read – talking, singing, reading, writing, and PLAYING.

What's Next

Each month, we will update this page to provide additional chapters of this exciting storybook, so keep checking back! Over time we’ll reveal the themes for each location, introduce you to more of the characters, give you a sneak peek of what to expect, and of course invite our families with kids 0-10 to the grand opening event at every location!

Chapter One: The Power of Play

Play is a critical ingredient to every child’s early development. According to an article published by EdSource, opens a new window, “Children who dress up and tell stories are learning how to shape a narrative, a precursor to learning to read and write, experts say. Children playing a board game where they have to count the spaces are learning about numbers and values, laying a foundation for math” and according to Play expert, Dr. Stuart Brown, “The drive to play is as fundamental as our drives for food and sleep.”

We will introduce you to a magical environment at each of our community libraries, reflecting something special about each community. You are invited to a world that is the intersection of Tech and Nature.

Storybook SCCLD creates inclusive and joyful environments where children are motivated and enthusiastic about learning through play. These spaces foster a passion for books and reading while providing valuable early literacy experiences that support grade level reading proficiency. This project is being designed and developed with experts in museum quality interactive spaces Luci Creative, Ravenswood Studio, and Group 4 Architecture.

Chapter Two: Meet the Robots

A friendly team of robots will be your guide through Storybook SCCLD!

Saratoga Library: Meet TreeBot. Nobody is quite sure about its original purpose. TreeBot can be found walking through the Redwood trees around Saratoga Library, typically surrounded by animals and assisting others with a friendly helping hand.

Morgan Hill Library: Originally built to document the natural world, HikerBot evolved to become quite the artist as well! HikerBot can be found walking the trails throughout Morgan Hill measuring and recording the wildflowers and animals.

Cupertino Library: When the first SwimmerBot was developed, its task was to care for the coral reef and creatures in a small aquarium. Today, SwimmerBots care for reefs all over the world but they still call Cupertino Library, home. Their favorite pasttime is playing hide and seek with the sea creatures.

Gilroy Library: Introducing MoleBot. MoleBot's creator was a bit of a tinkerer and built MoleBot to assist in geological surveys. You can find MoleBot burrowing throughout Gilroy, discovering magnificent crystals, geodes and inviting friends to explore and discover hidden treasures below the Gilroy Library.

Los Altos Library: When the SpriteBots were first created, they were designed to help farmers take care of their crops. Los Altos, which has historically been filled with orchards, is still home to the Spritebots. Despite being busy with tending to the orchards and farms, they always seem to find time for play too.

Milpitas Library: Meet WhistleBot. Originally, WhistleBot was designed as an icon for the train line that traveled through the mountains surrounding Milpitas. When WhistleBot isn’t racing the trains and animals along the hills, you may catch WhistleBot flying, literally flying, across the valley with jumps, flips and twists.

Campbell Library: TowerBot is hard to miss. Originally designed to provide water to Campbell, TowerBot has served an important purpose from the start. Replaced with a functional, yet non-intelligent water tower, TowerBot is now free to visit the farmer's market and hang out at the library while working on an autobiography.

BookMobile Services: Full of personality and well, books, BookMoBot's origin is all about personal service. Rockin’ a style all its own, while some of the bots have evolved over time, BookMoBot's purpose remains true—provide the very best personalized Library Service to its BookMobile patrons. Why mess with perfection?

Chapter Three: Spark Your Imagination

Children are encouraged to use their imagination where our enchanted play spaces come to life. By meeting children in their imaginative worlds, we provide spaces where big body play and quiet play work in tandem around early literacy.

Every location will include the following:

  • Themed interactives for little hands to practice motor skills
  • Themed reading nooks for quiet play
  • Playhouse for imaginative play
  • Toddler slide for active play
  • Welcome marquee with child sized entrance
  • Interactive learning area for babies and pre-walking children
  • Themed seating areas for children and families
  • Balance element for all abilities

Chapter Four: Timeline

Everything worth doing, takes time. From January through Summer 2025, SCCLD will be working location by location to prepare, install, and launch our play spaces.

  • Saratoga Library: Install Jan 20 - Mar 15
  • Morgan Hill Library: Install Mar 17 - End Apr
  • Gilroy Library: Install Mar 10 - Mid May
  • Cupertino Library: Install Mid Mar - Mid May
  • Los Altos Library: Install End-March - End May
  • Milpitas Library: Install Early Apr - Mid Jun
  • Campbell Library: Summer - Fall 2025

What to Expect During Installation

To keep patrons safe during construction, all or most of the children’s rooms will be closed to the public during installation. Access to children’s materials will be made available in other parts of the library and you can always visit another one of our libraries that is not under construction to explore their programs and collection. Each one of our libraries is special in different ways and you may discover something you’ve been missing out on!

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