Silicon Valley Reads – Author Visit with Ellen Hagan

Silicon Valley Reads 2024 and SCCLD Teen Services Librarians are proud to present: An Author Visit with Ellen Hagan! Ellen Hagan will be joining us for an author panel to discuss her book, Don't Call Me a Hurricane on March 20th at 5:00pm.

Don't Call Me A Hurricane

Click here to sign up to attend this program: Virtual Author Talk with Ellen Hagan

In addition, we are excited to announce that two lucky SCCLD Teens will be selected as panelists to interview Ellen for this program! If you are a teen between the ages of 13 and 18, and reside in Santa Clara County, you are eligible to apply for the chance to be chosen. Your answers will be reviewed by SCCLD Teen Librarians. The last day to submit your application is 1/31/24, and panelists will be contacted by 2/9/24 if they have been selected. Good luck!