Report a Replacement Card Report a Replacement Card "*" indicates required fields Patron Full Name* Old Library Card Number*Please enter all 14 digits. New Library Card Number*Please enter all 14 digits. What service does the patron normally use?* cloudLibrary Discover & Go (Museum Passes) OverDrive/Libby Don't know Patron Email Address*(We will send an email confirmation once the eBook vendor(s) have updated the information.) Staff Full Name* Library Location<< Select One >>BookmobileCampbell LibraryCupertino LibraryGilroy LibraryLos Altos LibraryMilpitas LibraryMorgan Hill LibrarySaratoga LibraryWoodland Branch LibraryStaff Email Address* Staff Phone Number Provide a question or any other information you would like to share.CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.