The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette's
349p. Gr. 7+
St. Bernadette’s is the most prestigious girl’s school in Kuala Lumpur. Khadijah and Rachel are very different girls who know they are both lucky to be students - graduating almost guarantees a girl a bright future. One day a girl in Khadijah’s class starts to scream - at the same time as multiple girls across the school. None of them can remember what happened afterwards, just that they were scared. As more girls become screamers, Khadijah learns that this has all happened before - not even that long ago. Why has it been covered up?
Meanwhile, Rachel’s mother insists on her being the perfect daughter with perfect grades. Rachel wants to take a chance on a drama class, but as she does she finds herself unconsciously acting and dressing like a different person. Can Khadijah and Rachel figure out what is causing the terror before they become screamers themselves?
This book also deals with topics like trauma and sexual assault.
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