Summer Reading: Halfway Through and the Adventure Continues!

With the summer sun blazing overhead and long shadows stretching out, it's the perfect time to dive headfirst into a thrilling adventure! We're at the halfway point of our Summer Reading program, "Adventure at the Library," and we want to celebrate all the fearless readers who've joined us. 

Unveiling Epic Tales
We've been amazed by your spirit and dedication. You've tackled mountains of chapters, unearthed hidden gems in graphic novels, and charted courses through fantastical worlds. Each page logged, event attended, and new genre explored brings you closer to the reading treasure chest! 

Haven't Begun Your Quest Yet? Fear Not, Adventurers! 
There's still a vast summer landscape to explore through the magic of books. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a fresh-faced adventurer, it's never too late to join the fun. Sign up today and delve into our treasure trove of stories for all ages and interests. 

Fueling Your Literary Voyage
Here's your map to keep your Summer Reading fire burning bright:

  • Uncover Hidden Treasures: Explore our booklists for kids', teen, and adult material (fiction and non-fiction) bursting with recommendations for every taste. Adult mysteries and thrillers to side-splitting romances and heart-pounding adventures await! 
  • Embark on Special Events: Meet fellow adventurers at author talks or join a captivating storytime session.
  • Form Your Bookish Alliance: Share your favorite reads and recommendations on social media with friends, family, and other adventurers at the library with hashtag #sccld.

Let's Make This Summer Legendary!
With more than half the adventure to go, there are endless possibilities for discovery. Keep turning pages, logging miles, and venturing into the wonders that stories hold. Happy reading, explorers!