Sunday Tea Time: Craft, Read, and Relax

Sunday is the perfect day for tea - and crafts! But who are we kidding, every day is the perfect day for tea, and if you use individually packaged tea packets you'll have a lot of them piling up in your bin. The following craft uses your leftover tea packaging to make tea-themed cards you can mail to friends and family. It's the perfect way to invite them to virtual tea and catch up using Zoom, Google hangouts, or other virtual platforms.

Want something to listen to while you craft? Check out a downloadable audiobook from our list It's Time to Spill the Tea before you start, and listen to one of your favorite celebrities spill the tea about their lives.

Done crafting? Even more in the mood for tea than when you started? Curl up with a cup and check out one of the titles below - all featuring fictional cups of tea!

High Time for (fictional) Tea Time! List created by MagicalLibraryCreature

Curl up with a cuppa of your favorite tea and join these characters for a fictional tea time! This mix of downloadable e-books and e-audiobooks features characters enjoying a cup of tea. Psst - don't let the lack of cover illustration put you off, some of these e-books are always available, no holds or wait times!

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