Informed Voting Without Pain With the Help of the League of Women Voters

  You want to be a conscientious, well-informed voter. Maybe you've decided which candidates you'll support but you’re confused about what the intentions and the probable costs of this year's state ballot propositions actually are. Every day, postcards arrive in the mail saying vote yes on this and no on that, then you get a new batch the next day that says the opposite. The tiny print in that thick beige voter information booklet makes you wish you could go help your teenager with their calculus homework rather than try to figure out what it all says.

 The League of Women Voters’  online Easy Voter Guide and their Voter’s Edge Guide are both great resources for voters with limited time. Read their clear, non-partisan explanations about the pros and cons of this year’s ballot propositions, then make the decisions that are right for you.
Order the Easy Voter Guide online: [This guide is no longer available.]
The Voter’s Edge Guide is a more in-depth source of information on the candidates and the propositions. Order the Voter's Edge Guide 

Vote 411 is another great  LWV informational source, especially for first time voters.